Sunday, October 25, 2009


  • Yeast must be added to liquid that is between 105 - 115 degrees -- too cold or hot will inhibit rising. (Use a food thermometer.)
  • Kneading should be done by folding dough toward yourself, then pushing away with the heal of your palm; move the dough 1/4 turn and repeat. Kneading is an important part of making bread, as it forms the glutin which gives the bread its texture.
  • Put dough in a draft-free place to rise. Ensure it's not too hot or cold.
  • While kneading the dough, put the bowl that will be used for rising in the sink and fill with hot water. Let it sit during the kneading process. Before ready to use, dry the bowl with a clean dish towel. This will be the damp towel you will cover the bowl with for the rising process.
  • Rub oil around the inside of the bowl, place the dough in the bowl, and turn the dough over -- the dough will then have the oil residue on its top and will not stick to the damp towel or dry out during the rising process.